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Learn Danish with Ease


Learn to Master Danish with personalized lessons

Learn Danish with Ease – step by step with Empathic Expert Guidance

Are you ready to master the Danish language with ease? Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, Learn Danish with Ease offers tailored lessons to suit your goals. Choose individual lessons, group classes, or intensive Danish with Ease learning processes. With personalized teaching methods and years of experience, Birgit Månestråle ensures an engaging, stress-free learning experience.

Join today to achieve confidence with essential resources and hands-on Danish lessons. 
Start speaking Danish confidently and speak Danish with Ease!

Choose a setup that suits you


Master Basic Danish - online group lessons


Individual online Danish lessons


Intensive or extra intensive online Danish lessons


3-lesson online Introduce Yourself in Danish mini course

Contact me

and get a Learn Danish with Ease solution

tailored for you.

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Learn Danish with Ease

Master basic Danish

Intensive focus, practice and encouragement increases your “I CAN DO IT” feeling.

Master basic Danish


Master basic Danish

Master basic Danish


Master basic Danish

Danish language Boost

The way to learn Danish with

Birgit Månestråle

Personalized lessons to Learn Danish with Ease

Intensive focus



Lessons tailored for you

Why choose me,

Birgit Månestråle, as your tutor and Danish teacher?

When you are looking for a patient, encouraging and detail oriented tutor and teacher, who figuratively speaking will hold your hand and listen to your wants and needs with the aim of fulfilling them, and who can’t keep smiling whenever you experience success – well, then I could be your choice of Danish teacher.

My personal awful (non)learning experiences attending public schools and challenges learning languages, and still having succeeded, adds to my way of being emphatic and patient while sharing knowledge on how to learn and master the Danish language

Another reason for choosing me as your Danish coach, tutor and teacher is, that I just love to look for, create and facilitate ways of fulfilling your wants and needs with the Danish language, which I’ve been teaching since 2010 to individual students and in small groups.

Since 2016 I’ve been teaching online, which invites to flexibility and  – even more – intense focus.

My teaching style is engaging, encouraging and detail oriented.

Lewis says:

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience working with Birgit Månestråle.

Her style is unique, flexible, creative, encouraging and above all FUN!

My confidence with Danish improved immeasurably during the time we worked together.

Christian says:

I would like to thank you for being my Danish teacher over the last months. You really helped me to get a very good first insight not only into the Danish language but also into other aspects of the Danish life and habits – this really helped me a lot to settle here…. Thanks a lot for all your patience and guidance; maybe we will have a chance to meet again…

For now I wish you a great summer and all the best laughing

Mouna says:

My Dear Birgit,

Tak for everything you shared and you taught me!

I'm grateful and it was a pure pleasure being with you during those two sessions 🙂


June 2021.

Megan says:

“I like the applicability of your suggestions and the way you really are teaching Danish with ease!”

Megan Simpson, USA.

Judit says:

I highly recommend Birgit Månestråle.

I study with her, and she is amazing.
She tailors the lessons for me, very enthusiastic, and there is no question unanswered.

Judit, March 2021.

Sirli says:

You are by far the most positive language teacher, I’ve ever had, and I really enjoyed, that you always put extra effort into bringing interesting books and other kinds of materials to the lessons.
Everyone should have as much passion in their work as you do.

Wish you all the best,

Sirli, Estonia, after participating in a small Danish group-set-up  in Denmark.

G.P. says:

»Hej Birgit,

Jeg skriver til dig, fordi jeg har bestået PD3 prøven.
Jeg fik 10 både i læseforståelse og i den skriftlige del, og 7 i min mundtlige præsentation.
Tusind tak for hjælpen i de sidste måneder.
Det var rigtig godt at lære dansk med dig og at bruge lang tid med spændende samtaler om s-verber og andre emner.

G.P. fra Spanien, juni 2019.«

Francesca says:

My best Danish teacher….

And she knows English and a little bit of Italian too….
Francesca, Italy. (Meeting 1-on-1 for brush-up Danish).

Dejan says:

I want to thank you for all the time and passion you invested in the course, and I hope we will meet again next year.

Best regards


Justin says:

I am thoroughly enjoying the course and appreciate all your help and assistance!

Best regards,
Justin B. (An Australian participant in a small group-set-up in Denmark).

How do you Learn with Ease?

Ease is without stiffness, stress, punishment and anxiety.

With ease can be: Picking up words, sounds, phrases, sentences or understanding Danish grammar in a way that make you forget that you are actually studying.

In an atmosphere of ease 

  • you learn new words and useful phrases
  • you are invited and encouraged to use the words and expressions that you already know
  • you count your successes
  • you have influence on how and what you learn, when choosing Danish lessons with, me, Birgit Månestråle

Focus and repetition are tools which, in a combination with your records of your new words, phrases and successes, lift you to a level of confidence that inspires you to learn – even – more, with ease.

Learning isn’t always easy, but when it is, we celebrate by sharing the joy and other benefits of progress.

Learning Danish with ease is supported by our interaction and, when you are the only student, you will never be behind and always at the perfect level, for now.

By expressing your needs and wishes you have great influence on the subjects through which you learn Danish.

Your number of Danish lessons and the effort you put in will influence your outcome.

Danish lessons with ease – with me, Birgit Månestråle, is:

for you, who want or need a short intensive program in order to reach a definite goal, fx being able to make a presentation, pass an exam, master a job interview, give a speech, learning and integrating words necessary for your present job function.

• for you, who see learning Danish as a journey, where you take one step at a time – for a short, a longer or a long time.
Choosing the journey approach is supported by my price structure, as you can begin with 1, 4, 7 or 8  lessons, and after that deside to continue buying as you go, or use your first payment as down payment, if you want to buy 30 lessons of 20 or 40 minutes.

For questions or other information you might want: