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Satisfied Students say

Danish ball
Birgit is a kind, patient, and very talented Danish teacher. I’ve been taking lessons with her for several months, and I am very happy with my progress and my decision to work with Birgit and Danish with Ease.
I have been studying Danish with self study materials as well as with another tutor. I also meet with Birgit for conversational practice, vocabulary building, grammar review, and reading. She tailors her lessons beautifully to my needs and learning style, and she has recommended some additional exercises and materials that have been wonderful for me. I can easily see the progress I’ve made with her.
Not only is Birgit a trained and professional language instructor, she’s also a joy to work with! You will be very happy with Birgit and Danish with Ease! Highly recommended!!
Christopher Warnasch
New York
Flowers from a student

Tak for din vedvarende tålmodighed, positivitet og venlighed i vores dansktimer.
De var min uges højdepunkt, som jeg altid glædede mig til.

Choose an online pre-session when you're considering individual tailored for you online Danish lessons.

Australian Flag


“I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience working with Birgit Månestråle.

Her style is unique, flexible, creative, encouraging and above all FUN!

Danish is considered a difficult language to learn but Birgit tailored each meeting with interesting and relevant content and I was always inspired by our discussions which were pitched at just the right level.


Her commitment and enthusiasm was amazing – she was responsive between meetings reviewing written material and always ready with additional support and direction.

Birgit enjoys teaching and she was always excited and happy to be there.

My confidence with Danish improved immeasurably during the time we worked together.


I absolutely recommend Birgit Månestråle for learning Danish.

Lewis, Australia, learning Danish with Ease via Skype.


I am thoroughly enjoying the course and appreciate all your help and assistance!

Best regards,
Justin B. (An Australian participant in a small group-set-up in Denmark).

Kære Birgit 

Du er fantastisk!!
Jeg er så glad for at være i dette land!!
og taknemmelig for din venlighed og støtte, du gør alting nemmere og enklere!!
Med venlig hilsen


Iransk flag

Dear Birgit

Thank you so much. For me all the nice feedback emails are so helpful and I appreciate your patience and positive attitude. I hope everything goes well for you and have a happy and healthy life . I will always remember you.

Best regards,
V.H. født i Iran, bosat i Danmark.

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»Learn Danish journey« today!

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Indiens flag
“It has been a wonderful experience learning Danish language together with Birgit.
I had challenges with the writing part, especially the grammatically correct Danish sentences for emails.
Birgit helped me in understanding how to use different Verb and noun forms in long and short sentences.
She did a lot of corrections on my emails where I learned a lot and became better gradually in the writing part.
Most importantly  she always believes and makes you believe in the “I can do it” attitude which helped me a lot in my confidence and belief system”.

S.G.  from India living in Denmark for 3 years

Australian Flag


 “I like the applicability of your suggestions and the way you really are teaching Danish with ease!”

Megan Simpson, USA.

• • • • • • • • •

I want to thank you for all the time and passion you invested in the course, and I hope we will meet again next year.

Best regards


Australian Flag


My best Danish teacher….
And she knows English and a little bit of Italian too….
Francesca, Italy.

(Meeting 1-on-1 for brush-up Danish).

Australian Flag


You are by far the most positive language teacher, I’ve ever had, and I really enjoyed, that you always put extra effort into bringing interesting books and other kinds of materials to the lessons.
Everyone should have as much passion in their work as you do.

Wish you all the best,

Sirli, Estonia, after participating in a small Danish group-set-up in Denmark.

Australian Flag


I highly recommend Birgit Månestråle.

I study with her, and she is amazing.
She tailors the lessons for me, very enthusiastic, and there is no question unanswered.

Judit, Hungary, March 2021.

Student Algeriet


Sarah, who origin from Algeria, lives in Paris, France and have a boyfriend in Denmark, is a very diligent Danish learner, and she has been an active participant in 3 online group lessons within the concept Ask, Read & Speak Danish and 7 online group lessons within the concept: 7 days of Danish.

Danish ball
Spanish flag at Learn Danish with Ease


»Hej Birgit,

Jeg skriver til dig, fordi jeg har bestået PD3 prøven.
Jeg fik 10 både i læseforståelse og i den skriftlige del, og 7 i min mundtlige præsentation.
Tusind tak for hjælpen i de sidste måneder.
Det var rigtig godt at lære dansk med dig og at bruge lang tid med spændende samtaler om s-verber og andre emner.

G.P. fra Spanien, juni 2019.«

The learning experience with you was fantastic!
Daniel R.D.


Birgits korrekturlæsning og feedback har gjort mine tekster meget bedre. Hun har et skarpt øje for detaljerne og kommer med rigtig gode tips og kneb, der gør teksten bedre, uden at ændre den personlige stil, hver skribent har. Desuden har hun en forfriskende positiv måde at kommunikere på, så at man føler sig som en stor forfatter, selvom der findes mange steder i ens tekst, der kan forbedres. Det er altid en stor fornøjelse at samarbejde med hende!


Learn Danish with Ease - Danish, tailored for you

I left Danish study 3 years back in the mid of DU3.3 due to personal and work reasons. When I decided in March to sit for PD2 in May-June, I reached out to a few Danish teachers. I was told it would be very difficult after such a long break and my chances were low to get ready for PD2 in such a short time. 

Birgit and I started end March – a 12 week journey where Birgit was more structured and diligent than I was. She was prompt in correcting my assignments and always made the lessons meaningful and goal-oriented even when I could not complete all the homework. One of the major advantages in Birgit’s lesson is that you get immersed in significant vocabulary which enriches your writing and speaking. She has an amazing ability to cheer you up and you actually stay motivated, even though the day was hard. I passed PD2 with 12 in reading, 7 in writing and 10 in speaking. Thanks to Birgit’s continuous support; it would not have been possible without her.
Best Regards
Debarshi Mukherjee

Choose an online pre-session when you're considering individual tailored for you online Danish lessons.

Mini interview with Sarah:

Birgit: How was your level of confidence with Danish when you enrolled?

Sarah: I had very little confidence to the point where I would not speak Danish at all, even if I understood what the person was saying, because of my bad accent. 

Birgit: How is your level of confidence with Danish – now?

Sarah: My confidence is much better, I even feel like my pronunciation is better too, I can answer in Danish and even hold a short conversation. 

Birgit: What were you hoping for, when you enrolled for these lessons?

Sarah: To give me a kickstart on my way to learn Danish.  

Birgit: How have you improved? Are you more confident ? more motivated ?

Sarah: I am definitely more motivated to study Danish further and also more confident in actually speaking with Danish native speakers. 

Birgit: What is ‘the best’ that has happened to you, during the 3 + 7 lessons?

Sarah: I have increased my vocabulary and understanding of Danish grammar. 

Birgit: Do you have other comments?

Sarah: I would be very happy to join your private Facebook group. I will do my best to contribute everyday even though I do not use social media a lot. I will also try to participate as much as I can on the Sunday meetings!

Tusind tak for alt og ha’ en go’ weekend! Vi ses!

De bedste hilsner,

Sarah Missoum.

8th of May 2021

Options for learning Danish

Learn Danish with Ease