Benefits of accauntability

Benefits of accauntability

If you are learning Danish on a regular basis, maybe even focusing on understanding and picking up Danish words, phrases, cultural bites – every day – you may have noticed, that sometimes you just – do not – do it.

You do not do what you would like to do, and make the decision that you will do it tomorrow which feels good in the moment, where you make the decicion.

YES. You are vitalized and relieved because you do not have to focus on or study – today 


this decision about doing it tomorrow it just SUCH A GOOD DECISION.

This is the plan.


It is going to be SO GOOD – tomorrow.

Have you had such an experience?

I think that most of us have.

We have a big goal, as learning the Danish language is an example of

we do know that taking baby steps is the way to reach our big goal.



life comes with its tempting opportunities, and ‘must-dos’…


when tomorrow comes

you, I, we may make the same decision once again: To postpone until tomorrow.

AND, then

‘suddenly’ like snapping your fingers, my fingers, our fingers


another week has gone…

Would you like a solution?

Would you like the solution to be an accountability partner, at study-buddy, a study group?

It your answer is yes, then participate in as many of the free online Danish Meet & Greet meetings that you want and are able to.
By doing so, you have the possibility of searching for at partner, with whom you can hold yourself accountable on your quest of reaching your goals with the Danish language.

One step at a time – every day.

Room for up to 8 participants in each meeting.

Ask for actual dates and enroll via email to: to receive the Zoom link, on which we meet.

To your success with Danish!

Birgit Månestråle
tutor, Danish teacher a.m.
Read about the free online Danish Meet & Greet meetings by clicking on this link: